Space Quest Omnipedia

Monochrome Boys

Base of Operations/Home Planet:


Games seen or mentioned in:
Locations seen or mentioned in:
Notable Members:

Grey Matters (3 very ugly dudes).

The Monochrome Boys are bikers who like to spend their time chugging brewskis and looking for a fight. The Grey Matters are biker gang subsidiary of this organization/race. Adventurers are advised to avoid them at all costs, especially if the adventurer possesses more than two colors in their palette. The Monochrome Boys are most commonly encountered in Ulence Flats, and can generally be found riding sand bikes. They are associated with the Grey Matters. They have a greyscale VGA appearance.


After escaping from the Sequel Police at the Galaxy Galleria by stealing their timepod, Roger found himself back in the Space Quest 1 era in Ulence Flats.


The Boys sit at the bar tossing back some ale.

He went into the Rocket Bar in search of a drink, only to be accosted by the Monochrome Boys. The Boys took offense at the fact that Roger was in full color, and tossed him out of the bar.

In retaliation, Roger knocked over the Boys' sand bikes and ran for his life. The Boys, angered by Roger's actions, mounted their bikes and went to try and run Roger over. However, Roger was able to successfully dodge the bikes and re-enter the Rocket Bar.


The Boys' sand bikes (alternate version universe).

Unfortunately, the Rocket Bar Bartender recognized Roger as the person who broke his slot machine. So Roger changed his mind before the Boys could come back for him, and returned to the timepod to head to a different era, taking a pack of matches with him as a souvenir.

The Three Guys[]

(Click for larger images.)

Behind the scenes[]

  • The database information in SQ6 implies that the Monochrome Boys is their designation of race/species, and not just the name of the biker gang. It may imply that there are more than three M.B. in the galaxy. It also suggests that the Monochrome Boys originated on Pestulon, see Pestulon Monochrome Boys. There are however some separate distinctions between the versions as they are portrayed in Space Quest 4, the versions in the novels, and how they are described in SQ6. One particular difference is that they are portrayed clearly as three different alien species (or a mixed-species organization) in SQ4 and the Companion, where as they are a race specifically from Pestulon in SQ6.
  • In the Space Quest Companion the 'actual' name of their gang is the "Grey Matters".
  • In the floppy disk version of the game, the bikes are in color. In the CD version, the bikes are gray.
  • The word chrome can refer to chrome motorcycles. The color scheme of a black and chrome motorcycle would appear to only have two colors, resembling monochrome graphics. The bikes would then be monochrome chrome bikes.
  • In older games, different graphics modes would be selected before starting a game. Typical options would be 2 color monochrome, 4 color CGA, or 16 color EGA. To maintain backwards compatibility with software that displayed monochrome, hardware that could support EGA graphics could typically support monochrome graphics. Compared to the 16 colors and 160×200 resolution of Space Quest I, Space Quest IV ran in 256 color VGA graphics at 320x200 resolution (VGA supported 640x480, but only with 16 colors, and this was not used). Higher resolution graphics typically required more memory and a faster processor.
  • The Monochrome Boys criticize Roger for wasting color by being represented as a 32-bit VGA bitmap, saying, "What a waste of EGA." The Monochrome Boys are being somewhat hypocritical. They are being represented in VGA resolution in grayscale, and they are not being represented only in black and white in the 160×200 resolution of Space Quest I, which would fit in closer with the older graphics style.
  • The statement "What a waste of EGA" is not exactly correct. From the perspective of EGA graphics, VGA graphics would be more wasteful in terms of memory. "What a waste of memory" would be the more accurate statement. However, it appears they are simply jealous of the fact that VGA supports 256 colors while EGA only supports 16, equating the concept of a graphics mode having more colors as taking more colors. Which is simply a backwards and close minded way of viewing things.
  • The 160×200 resolution of the original Space Quest I is not representative of all EGA graphics. While EGA cannot display 256 colors, EGA does support a resolution of 320×200 up to 640×350 (but this higher resolution required a special monitor), with some third party boards supporting 640×480. Space Quest III ran in 320x200 resolution and supported both EGA and VGA (simply because VGA is backwards compatible with EGA; it didn't use any VGA specific features) graphics modes. When Roger activates the VGA-EGA Interlock in Space Quest V, the graphics are representative of an EGA limited color palette in a higher resolution.
  • It is unclear how the Monochrome Boys would have reacted in the updated graphics of Ulence Flats in the VGA version of Space Quest I.



"Well, lookee here! If it ain't Mr. 'Look-at-Me-I'm-in-EGA'."

"Well, lookee here! If it ain't Mr. 'Look-at-Me-I'm-in-32-Colors'."

"Well, lookee here! If it ain't Mr. 'Look-at-Me-I'm-in-VGA'."

"What's this? 16 colors all for one little bitmapped wimp? What a waste of EGA, heh heh."

"What's this? You'd have to be a blitherin' idiot to waste all that color on one little bitmapped wimp, heh heh."

"What's this? 256 colors all for one little bitmapped wimp? What a waste of VGA, heh heh."

"What's the matter, monochrome not good enough for ya?"

"Hey, fellas, I'll bet I can toss him all the way out from the bottom of the stairs. Bet ya an ale."

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ComPost Database Entry[]

Pestulon Monochrome Boys

You won't find the Monochrome Boys in their native habitat. These foul-mouthed, belligerent beasts spend most of the time zipping around on Hardly-Dramamines, bullying weaker lifeforms and tinkering with their hogs.

(Not their motorcycles, but their real hogs. Don't ask, you don't want to know.)

The Monochrome Boys are so named because of their unusual white and gray pigmentation. The blotchy blemished are partly responsible for their sour demeanor. Do not make eye contact.

Should they force a confrontation, do not call them "monochrome" or "boys." It's all right for them to call each other "monochrome," but it's not okay for anyone else.

The diet of Monochrome Boys consists mainly of any other life form that has a light, crunchy exoskeleton.

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